CAPD Presenting at Alliance for Nonprofit Management's 2018 Conference

We are delighted to announce that we will be presenting on equity and organizational assessment in Hartford, CT, at 11 am, October 12th, 2018. We will be co-presenting with our colleagues Mala Nagarajan and Keith Timko.

This session will engage practitioners in a conversation around how organizational assessments, on the surface, may seem race-neutral; however, assessments tend to privilege dominant cultural standards by what questions they ask, what constitutes a best practice or success, and who says so. We’ll present innovative assessments that embed a racial equity lens and ask participants to work with assessment questions that center marginalized communities. Participants will work with a case study and sample report to explore in groups how answers to those questions help foster conversations about racial equity. We provide frameworks, guidance, resources, and research around tools that capacity builders can use in their own work.

Click here for more information about the conference.