The practice of evaluation has evolved considerably since CAPD opened its doors in 1988. Data collection and analysis options have of course grown with technological change and greater academic interest in evaluation as a field of study. In addition, in the applied world, where CAPD lives, we have seen a growing interest in evaluation for learning as well for accountability, more understanding and ideas about how to measure “contribution” as well as causation, and broader understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches and why mixed mode evaluation is almost always something to consider. We also note more open conversation about ethical and power issues in evaluation. Along with that, we see more willingness among evaluation parties to negotiate some of the most consequential decisions - for example, who owns and can share information, what are reasonable expectations for progress or success, and so on. This evolution makes evaluation an exciting field, with a lot of room for both rigor and innovation.
Publications and Presentations
Leadership and Large-Scale Change: How to Accelerate Learning and Deepen Impact Deborah Meehan, Claire Reinelt and Sally Leiderman. June 2015
The Handbook of Leadership Development Evaluation Kelly Hannum, Jennifer Martineau, Claire Reinelt, Laura C. Leviton, Sally A. Leiderman, CAPD. February 2007. Available from the publisher, Jossey-Bass, ISBN 978-0-7879-8780-0
Flipping the Script: White Privilege and Community Building Maggie Potapchuk and Sally Leiderman, Contributing Writers: Donna Bivens, and Barbara Major, January, 2005
Observation Tools: Classroom Environment And Practices Related To Educational Achievement And Equity CAPD for the Success Measures Project of NeighborWorks America, 2005
Measuring Community Change: How do We Know it When We See It? Carolyne Abdullah, Director of Community Assistance, Everyday Democracy; Sally Leiderman, President, CAPD, August 2010
Evaluation Findings Focus on 2005-2006: Worthington, MN 21st Century Community Learning Center S.A. Stephens, Ph.D., CAPD, November 2006
Leadership and Large-Scale Change: How to Accelerate Learning and Deepen Impact Deborah Meehan, Claire Reinelt and Sally Leiderman. June 2015
Evaluation Findings 2003-2004: Worthington, MN 21st Century Community Learning Center S.A. Stephens, Ph.D., CAPD, December 2004
The Democracy Project: Assessment Concepts and Tools Jennifer Zapf, Sally A. Leiderman and Cari Almo, August 2001
Given The Nature Of Family Centers, How Can We Craft A Meaningful Evaluation? S.A. Stephens, February 2000
Some Emerging Lessons on Child Assessment in Early Education Susan T. Batten and Stephanie L. Koenig, March 1999