Racial Equity and White Privilege
Highlighted Documents
Flipping the Script: White Privilege and Community Building Maggie Potapchuk and Sally Leiderman, Contributing Writers: Donna Bivens, and Barbara Major, January, 2005
Transforming White Privilege: A 21st Century Leadership Capacity Maggie Potapchuk, Shakti Butler, Sally Leiderman and Stephanie Halbert Jones, August 2016
Best & Promising Practices for Hispanic/Latino/a Inclusion in UMC Churches in North Carolina Stephanie Halbert Jones and Sally Leiderman, September 2016
Decentering Whiteness Creating Equitable Conferences TipSheet N. Aurliak, S. Sangeeta Balajee, S. Butler, B. Calhoun, D. Goodman, S. Leiderman, E. Morrison and M. Potapchuk, December 2015
Looking Back: Project Change From 1991-2005 Sally A. Leiderman and Mark Patrick George, April 2005
CAPD approaches all of its work with a lens that recognizes social justice and equity as among the factors that contribute to community and population well-being, and structural racism, white privilege and racial and other inequities (related to gender, LGBTQ status, wealth and/or country of origin) as among issues needing to be addressed. In our evaluation work, we use this lens to inform our clients’ understanding of the complex social problems they wish to address - what might be important to assess, what populations are affected and in what different ways based on race/ethnicity, gender, etc. and in the kinds of evidence to be collected. We also pay attention to racism and privilege in the processes of evaluation itself, and try to eliminate or mitigate their potential effects. This process includes an examination of power dynamics, consequences of historical and current day inequities, which kinds of evidence are privileged, and, fundamentally, what constitutes success and who says so.
To build our capacities in this area, CAPD has made an effort to learn as much as possible about the history of racism in the U.S. and globally, the way whiteness has been constructed and maintained, their systemic nature and potential entry points for change; we work to share those learnings with others in the field. At the same time, since racism has never been eliminated in this country we, like others, don’t know what it will take. We strive to bring both the learning and the need for innovation and risk-taking to our work.
We routinely apply this learning in all of our program, leadership development, community change and other evaluations, including the evaluations of Project Change, the Thriving Hispanic/Latino Communities Initiative, the Ambassadors Leadership Program of Americans for Indian Opportunity, Co-Creating Effective and Inclusive Organizations, Communities Creating Racial Equity, Healing the Heart of Diversity and others.
With MP Associates and World Trust Educational Services, CAPD co-created www.racialequitytools.org. Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large. We also co-authored Flipping the Script: White Privilege and Community Building (2005), with Maggie Potapchuk, Donna Bivens and Barbara Major. The first half of Flipping the Script defines racism, internalized racism, white privilege and how they are related to community building work. The second half offers ideas for doing evaluation, community building and interventions differently in ways that might reduce their historical or current consequences.
Publications and Presentations
The Robinson Group: A Case for Discussion CAPD, MP Associates and WorldTrust Educational Services for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, revised August 2013.
How to Develop and Support Leadership that Contributes to Racial Justice Sally Leiderman for CAPD, with Leadership Learning Community, Applied Research Center, MP Associates, Social Policy Research Associates and the Kirwan Institute, July 2010.
Marking Progress: Movement Toward Racial Justice Lori Villarosa, Project Director; Rick Cohen, Senior Editor; Maggie Potapchuk, Project Manager; Lynora WIlliams, Editor. PRE Critical Issues Forum, Volume 3, July 2010.
Transforming White Privilege: A 21st Century Leadership Capacity, Preliminary Survey Findings for Discussion Sally A. Leiderman, CAPD, April 30, 2009
Bridging Race and Class - Case Exercises Sally Leiderman, July, 2002.
Building Partnerships With College Campuses: Community Perspectives Sally A. Leiderman, Andrew Furco, Jennifer Zapf and Megan Goss, July 2004
Building Partnerships With College Campuses: Community Perspectives: A Monograph Sally A. Leiderman, Andrew Furco, Jennifer Zapf and Megan Goss, July 2004
15 Tools for Creating Healthy, Productive Interracial/Multicultural Communities: A Community Builder's Tool Kit John Maguire, Sally A. Leiderman and John Egerton, July 2004
How to Develop and Support Leadership that Contributes to Racial Justice Leadership for a New Era Series, July 2010
Observation Tools: Classroom Environment And Practices Related To Educational Achievement And Equity CAPD for the Success Measures Project of NeighborWorks America, 2005
Training for Racial Equity and Inclusion Ilana Shapiro, Ph.D., The Aspen Institute, 2002
Opening Closing Doors, Closing Opening Doors: Efforts To Increase African American Student Access And Success In Six Southern Liberal Arts Colleges Bernard J. McMullan and Cheryl Smith Garrett for Jessie Ball duPont Fund, March 1993